The war that continues in our country not only encourages every Ukrainian to do everything possible to bring about a speedy victory, but also illustrates the power of "unity" of Ukrainians, regardless of the scope of their activities. Art has a special mission in this context, that obtains its special value during the war. Art is morale-boosting stuff of the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, as well as delivering super-important messages to people outside the war.
So, at the end of September, The Lviv National Academic Men’s Choir “Dudaryk” went on a concert charity tour of European Cities. The choristers will tour in the cities of Poland, Germany and Austria. This tour is part of fundraising choir events for the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo. The goal of this fundraising is to purchase a military drone. The tour will comprise 8 charity concerts and an international festival with choirs from France, Finland, Germany and Austria. In Munich and Vienna, the choristers will sing with star friends - Star Kushpler and Sergei Magera.
According to “Dudaryk”, a concert charity tour has a dual mission: on the one hand, the concerts will allow Europeans to get acquainted with the history of Ukraine through music, get impartial information about the Russian war against Ukraine, about the courage and devotion of Ukrainians. On the other hand, all the funds from the concerts will be directed to purchase a military drone for 24th brigade. It will save more than one life of our soldiers and cause trouble for the invaders.
Concerts have already been held in Einbeck, Kassel, Göttingen.
The Ukrainian male singing has received a lot of applause from the European audience, which supports Ukraine in various ways.
One of the partners of the artistic initiative is the Kozytskyi Charity Foundation, which aided to make the musical tour happen.
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