On June 22, in the Carpathian, an art therapy event was held for children who have become semi-orphans or orphans and have lost their homes as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The main goal of the project is to help children express their emotions, feelings, and experiences through creativity, which would contribute to improving their psycho-emotional well-being.
The art project team "We and World" divided 50 children from the Gen.Ukrainian camp into three different age groups. For each group, three workshops were prepared: painting little houses with acrylic paints as a symbol of lost homes, decorating lanterns with permanent markers and acrylic paints on the theme of "light of hope," and handmade painting of the ecobags.
The children worked on completely free themes, using colors and styles closest to them. It is worth noting that most children used bright and light colors in their paintings, indicating a positive change in their emotional state.
The event was held as part of the art project "We and World" by the
Kozytskyi Charity Foundation
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